Sunday, October 14, 2012

E-Marketing and the buying desicion process

I remember the first time I noticed an ad about something I either thought about or had written about online, I thought it was the creepiest thing ever. Anytime I search for something online, I have ads for similar products popping up in every website I visit. I find it easy to ignore these ads but many people do not and that is when E-marketing has achieved its goal. Nowadays, e-marketing has a big influence on the buying decision process. Online advertisements are everywhere and influence people to buy things they do not need or had previously considered purchasing. 
     When I coordinate events, I usually search online for the materials I need. Even if I do not plan on buying them online, I search for different prices and locations and by doing this I usually end up stumbling across products I did not originally need and I often end up buying them. When you are in the process of purchasing something on Amazon or other websites, there is usually a section where they show products that relate to what you are looking to purchase in hopes that customers will also purchase them. E-marketing influences the need/want recognition, need/desire development and need/desire fulfillment; it fits in every step of the buying decision process. As Mr. Miyazaki explains on his post “Where is E-marketing in the Buying Decision Process in his blog, “e-marketing plays a key role these days in how people formulate what it is they want.”  I do not believe online shopping will completely take the place of in-store shopping because this is an activity many people enjoy, but it will more often than not, be a part of the buying process.

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